Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Tradition of Giving at the Hollenbeck Youth Center


  • Brief overview of Schwarzenegger's recent activity at the Hollenbeck Youth Center.
  • Mention his history with the center and the significance of this tradition.

Early Years and Inspiration

  • Detail Schwarzenegger’s first Christmas in America.
  • His experiences at Gold’s Gym and the impact of the kindness he received.
  • Decision to give back once he had the means.

The Tradition at Hollenbeck Youth Center

  • Describe the start of his tradition at the Hollenbeck Youth Center.
  • Discuss the types of gifts and activities involved.
  • Include reactions and quotes from the children and staff.

Schwarzenegger’s Broader Impact

  • Discuss other charitable activities he’s involved in.
  • Highlight his impact on the local community.

Personal Reflections from Schwarzenegger

  • Include more in-depth quotes about why this tradition is important to him.
  • Discuss his views on charity, community, and the spirit of giving.

Responses from the Community

  • Gather quotes and stories from community members and those who have been positively impacted by Schwarzenegger’s actions.


  • Summarize Schwarzenegger's contributions.
  • Reflect on the meaning and impact of his annual tradition.

Draft Introduction

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a name synonymous with Hollywood fame and political prowess, is known for more than just his roles in blockbuster films or his stint as the Governor of California. For over three decades, Schwarzenegger has been a beacon of generosity and holiday spirit at the Hollenbeck Youth Center in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. Every Christmas, he brings joy and presents to those who gather at the center, continuing a tradition that holds a special place in his heart and the community.

This tradition, born out of Schwarzenegger's own experiences as an immigrant celebrating his first Christmas in America, showcases the softer side of the 'Terminator' star. It's a story of gratitude, community, and the power of giving back - a narrative that Schwarzenegger has woven into the fabric of his life in the United States.