"Doctor Strange 2" began to be banned because of non-traditional characters

"Doctor Strange 2" began to be banned because of non-traditional characters

The Marvel Comics film adaptation of "Doctor Strange 2: Into the Multiverse of Madness," the long-awaited sequel to the popular 2016 superhero film, has been banned from screening in Saudi Arabia. According to sources in the Middle Eastern nation, the decision is due to the presence of LGBTQ characters.
Thus, the sequel will follow on the heels of another comic book-based film, "Eternals," which was banned in much of the Gulf after the presence of a same-sex couple was revealed. It was stated at the time that the censors demanded a number of edits that Disney did not want to make. The edited version was later shown in the United Arab Emirates.
Recall that earlier it was reported that in Italy they edited the picture posters, because one of Doctor Strange's gestures could seem offensive to Italian viewers. It was about posters showing the main character showing "horns", which in some English-speaking countries means "rock". In the Mediterranean region, such a gesture could be perceived as "cuckolding", that is, a person who is cheated on by his partner.
Doctor Strange 2: Into the Multiverse of Madness will be released in early May 2022.