First-time viewers call Guardians of the Galaxy 3 the best Marvel film

The first reviews for the film 'Guardians of the Galaxy' have surfaced online. Part 3'.
Entertainment journalists got their first look at the film 'Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 3". The premiere, which was attended by the cast of the film, took place at Disneyland Paris. The overwhelming response to the film was enthusiastic.

Many correspondents noted how successfully the film blends the franchise's signature comedic style with much darker content than what audiences have seen before.

"This film ... my heart is full and broken at the same time, it's not easy to take, a very complex story, but it left me with an amazing aftertaste," noted one female viewer.

"Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is a fun, incredibly emotional and the most gripping film of the saga. The James Gunn films are a happy place in the film universe to return to again and again, and Chapter 3 is the perfect, hopeful climax to Marvel's most soulful and heartfelt heroes," wrote another.

"I had a preconceived notion of Guardians of the Galaxy 3, but James Gunn managed to wow me. The story is darker and it even has notes of horror, but it's still a very fun and very personal story," added a third.

Will there be a Guardians of the Galaxy 4 movie?

Director James Gunn himself has said that this is his last project for Marvel Studios. "I'm a guy who never says 'never' because I've seen too many people say 'never' and then get dragged back into the fray, so I'd abstain. But at the moment I see this as my last Guardians of the Galaxy movie," he said.