Gerard Butler launches "The Disobedient Citizen 2"

The famous revenge thriller "The Law Abiding Citizen" will have a sequel. The lead actor and producer of the first series, Gerard Butler, is starting its production along with his colleague Lucas Foster.
As of now, there are no details about the plot of the sequel. It's also not yet clear if any of the cast of the original film will be reprising their roles. "I'm excited to be working with Rob, Mike and Village Roadshow Pictures, along with my regular creative partner Kurt Wimmer, to revisit these great characters and this fascinating subject matter that seems even more relevant today than when we made the original film. We're going to blow your mind... again," commented Foster.
Recall that in the picture "The Law-abiding Citizen" Butler's hero avenged his family, proving at the same time the inability of law enforcement to call real criminals to account. The film was quite successful at the box office: on a budget of $40 million, it earned about $130 million.
The return of Butler himself in the sequel seems very problematic, considering everything that happened in the finale of the first series.