"Guardians of the Galaxy 3" set a world record long before its premiere

Marvel Comics' "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 3" began to set world records long before its release in theaters. One of them said on his official page on the social network movie director James Gunn.
I just heard from my colleagues in the Makeup Community that "Guardians of the Galaxy Part 3" has officially become the world record holder for the amount of makeup used in a feature-length project (surpassing "The Grinch"). Congratulations to everyone, folks! Thank you for continuing to keep the practical special effects alive," he wrote.
Gunn's followers asked him if he had the creative freedom to make decisions about using just such effects, to which the director noted, "One hundred percent."
Some characters from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies will likely continue to be present in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after the conclusion of Guardians 3. However, for Gunn and some of the cast, this movie will be the end of the road, ending the story they started back in 2014.
Honestly, they are great, I love this cast and crew. But there is also a lot of sadness and almost daily tears, knowing that this is the last film in the series for most of us," he said.