James Wan Wants to Go Back to Horror After 'Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom'

1. Introduction

  • Overview of James Wan's recent statement about returning to horror after 'Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.'
  • Brief introduction to James Wan's career and achievements.

2. Wan's Early Career and Rise to Fame

  • Detailing Wan's early career, focusing on his role in creating the 'Saw' franchise.
  • Transition to mainstream success with 'Insidious' and 'The Conjuring.'
  • Impact of these films on the horror genre.

3. Success in Mainstream Cinema

  • Wan's shift to mainstream blockbusters like 'Aquaman' and 'Furious 7.'
  • Analysis of how these films differ from his horror work.
  • Critical and commercial reception of these films.

4. The Conjuring Universe: A Horror Legacy

  • Exploration of 'The Conjuring' universe and its significance in modern horror.
  • Role of Wan in shaping this universe, including spin-offs and sequels.
  • Potential for 'The Conjuring: Last Rites' as a finale.

5. The Allure of Horror: Wan’s Desire to Return

  • Analyzing Wan's comments about returning to horror.
  • The appeal of horror filmmaking for Wan.
  • Speculation on what kind of horror project he might undertake.

6. Industry and Fan Reaction

  • Reactions from industry professionals and fans to Wan's potential return to horror.
  • Discussion on fan expectations and desires for his next horror project.
  • Potential impact on the horror genre and the film industry.

7. Conclusion

  • Summarizing Wan's journey from horror to mainstream and potentially back to horror.
  • The significance of Wan's potential return to the genre for his career and for horror fans.
  • Final thoughts on what this move means for the future of horror cinema.

8. Sources and References

  • Citing interviews, articles, and other sources referenced in the story.
  • Acknowledgments of quotes and information from industry experts and insiders.

Key Points to Include

  • Highlight Wan's versatility as a director.
  • Discuss the evolution of the horror genre with Wan's contributions.
  • Consider the balance between artistic passion and commercial success in Wan's career choices.
  • Include quotes from Wan and others to provide depth and context.
  • Address the broader context of the film industry's current trends.