Jerry Bruckheimer wants Johnny Depp back as Jack Sparrow

Jerry Bruckheimer wants Johnny Depp back as Jack Sparrow

Producer of the popular adventure franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean" Jerry Bruckheimer would like Johnny Depp to play the role of Captain Jack Sparrow again. The filmmaker said this in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Asked if Johnny Depp's recent court victory gives hope that Disney studio executives will want to put him back in charge of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel, Bruckheimer said the following: "You would have to ask them. I can't answer that question. I really don't know. I'd love to have him in a movie. He's a friend, a terrific actor, but unfortunately, privacy creeps into everything we do."
Depp mentioned that if it was about a comeback, he expects the movie to have a clear ending for his character. Bruckheimer admitted that considering "killing off" Captain Jack Sparrow is a waste of time. "You can't. We tried to kill him. It didn't work," he said in particular.
Recall that the day before it became known that Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard signed a settlement agreement. According to him, Heard is obliged to pay Depp one million dollars, which the actor has promised to give to charity.
Pirates of the Caribbean 6
As for the upcoming "Pirates of the Caribbean 6" sequel, Jerry Bruckheimer says the studio has a very good script, even two. "We've developed two of them, one with Margot Robbie and one with a younger cast. The one with Margot Robbie needs a little more work on that project. The one with the younger cast is closer to completion. I hope both get approved," Bruckheimer said in particular.