Jim Carrey announces his retirement

The famous Hollywood actor Jim Carrey intends to leave the cinema to focus on his personal life. He did not rule out that someday he will change his decision, but only on one condition.
Well, I'm retiring...Maybe. Yeah, I'm pretty serious about that. Of course, a lot will depend on whether the angels bring in some script written in gold ink, and it will become quite clear that it will really matter to the audience. I could go on like this, but I'm taking a break. I really enjoy my quiet life, and I really love putting paint on canvas. I really love my spiritual life, and I feel that. and that's something you may never hear from another celebrity, until the end of time... I've done enough. I've done enough. I've done enough," he stated.
It should be noted that one of the latest works of the actor in the movie was a fantastic film "Sonic 2 in the movie," in which he had a chance to play the role of the villain Robotnik.
During his career Curry starred in a lot of cult films of different genres. He was easily given as a comic and dramatic roles. His contribution to the development of cinema has been recognized by many prestigious awards.