Moon Knight director criticizes Wonder Woman 2

Mohamed Diab, the creator of the "Moon Knight" series, once again lashed out at Hollywood filmmakers who, in his opinion, ignore his native Egypt even when the action takes place there. As an example, the director mentioned the DC Comics adaptation of Wonder Woman 2: 1984.
You will never see Cairo in such films. Rather, you'll see Jordan portrayed as Cairo, Cairo filmed in Morocco, sometimes in Spain. It really makes us angry. I remember watching Wonder Woman 2: 1984, and there was a significant scene in Egypt, and it was an absolute shame for us. There was some sheik there - it didn't make any sense to us. Egypt looked like a country from the Middle Ages. It was like a desert," the director lamented.
In "Moon Knight," Diab said, he sought to maintain authenticity, but without becoming preachy about his beliefs. After all, "the show is based on a comic book."
Note that Hollywood film projects have previously been criticized many times for changing the nationality of the characters as well as the location.
The "Moon Knight" series, based on the Marvel comics, will be shown by Disney+ streaming starting at the end of March 2022.