"Moon Knight" director outraged by "Black Adam" setting

Mohamed Diab, the director of the Moon Knight series, was outraged by the setting of another comic book adaptation, Black Adam, starring Dwayne Johnson. According to the director, the studio should have put the characters in real locations.
I was very annoyed with DC when they put Black Adam in a fictional Middle Eastern country just to avoid filming Egyptians, when obviously it should have been in Egypt. I think opportunities for (national) representation should not be missed," he commented.
He added that he tried to avoid these mistakes in his project. "I wanted to showcase Egyptian talents as much as I could. Every culture should be represented by its bearers, so I hired actors, an editor, a costume designer, an art director and a composer who are all Egyptian," he added.
Recall that the "Moon Knight" series will be presented to viewers on March 30, 2022. Its main character Mark Spector was an incarnation of the ancient Egyptian deity Khonsu.
As for the DC Comics adaptation of "Black Adam," it is scheduled for release at the end of July.