"Morbius" disappointed first viewers

The first screenings of "Morbius" by Sony Pictures were held in Britain, and many viewers were disappointed with what they saw on the screen. Among the shortcomings of the film adaptation were the incoherent plot and mediocre special effects.
For example, Collider's Sab Astley felt that "Morbius' plot mixed with its awful CGI is only good for a nap," while Nicola Austin of Filmhounds backed this up, stating, "Some really crappy special effects and a formulaic '00s plot."
Film critic RenGeekness felt the film failed in almost every way, noting, "poor plot and messy CGI, confusing editing and the worst sound mix, which make it feel totally inconsistent." Cameron Howe of Oh Hi Films felt the same way, adding, "Morbius is as incoherent and boring as you'd expect."
Many also mentioned the scenes after the credits. Josh Barton of Jumpcut Online stated, "What was shown after the credits; makes it clear where Sony is going, BUT the thought process behind their creation is highly questionable." Collider's Astley echoed Barton's opinion, stating, "These are some of the worst post credits scenes you've ever seen, Sony has lost their mind."
The movie "Morbius" will be released on March 30, 2022. In Russia, Sony decided not to distribute the film, even though it was one of the most promising markets in Europe.