Paramount Sets Course for New Horizons: A New 'Star Trek' Movie with 'Andor' Director Toby Haynes

Paramount Sets Course for New Horizons: A New 'Star Trek' Movie with 'Andor' Director Toby Haynes
Photo by Stefan Cosma / Unsplash


Paramount Pictures is boldly going where it has gone before, but with a fresh vision and renewed vigor. After a hiatus and several project iterations, the studio has announced a new 'Star Trek' movie, marking a significant step in reviving the iconic franchise on the big screen. The announcement brings a wave of excitement for Trekkies and cinephiles alike, as the new project will be under the direction of Toby Haynes, known for his work on the 'Star Wars' series 'Andor.'

The New Vision

Toby Haynes, a director with a knack for captivating audiences in the realm of science fiction, is set to steer the new 'Star Trek' feature. His directorial prowess was prominently displayed in episodes of 'Andor,' a series in the 'Star Wars' universe, demonstrating his ability to handle space operas with finesse. Haynes also gained acclaim for directing the 'Star Trek'-inspired episode "USS Callister" in the anthology series 'Black Mirror,' which was both a homage and a critique of the genre. The new movie is penned by Seth Grahame-Smith, a versatile writer known for his unique blend of history and fantasy, as seen in 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter' and 'The Lego Batman Movie.'

The Plot and Setting

Details about the plot are still under wraps, but it's said to take place decades before the events of the 2009 'Star Trek' film directed by J.J. Abrams. This timeline choice opens a realm of possibilities, allowing for new characters and narratives while respecting the rich history of the 'Star Trek' universe. J.J. Abrams' production company, Bad Robot, is set to produce the movie, described as an expansion of the Trek universe, ensuring continuity in the franchise's creative vision.

Star Trek’s Cinematic Journey

'Star Trek' has been a significant part of popular culture since the 1960s, largely living in the world of TV and streaming in recent years. With series like 'Strange New Worlds,' 'Discovery,' 'Lower Decks,' and 'Picard' on Paramount+, the franchise has continued to thrive on the small screen. The most recent film, 'Star Trek Beyond,' released in 2016, saw Chris Pine reprising his role as Captain Kirk. However, the film's performance at the box office led Paramount to reconsider its approach to the franchise’s cinematic future.

The Path to the New Movie

The journey to this new 'Star Trek' movie has been filled with twists and turns. Following 'Star Trek Beyond,' Paramount announced a fourth movie in 2016, intending to bring back Chris Hemsworth alongside Pine's Enterprise crew. However, this project did not materialize. High-profile filmmakers, including Quentin Tarantino and Noah Hawley, explored developing their own versions, but these too did not come to fruition. In a surprise announcement during a Paramount investor's day in February 2022, Abrams revealed that a new installment was in the works, initially set to feature the Pine-led crew and to begin shooting by the end of the year. Matt Shakman of 'WandaVision' fame was initially on board to direct but later departed to work on Marvel Studios' 'Fantastic Four.'

The Future of the Franchise

While the new movie signals a refreshed direction for 'Star Trek' in cinemas, Paramount is also developing a separate project described as the final chapter for the Pine-led crew from the 2009 reboot series. This dual-track approach reflects the studio’s commitment to expanding the 'Star Trek' universe, catering to both long-time fans and a new generation of viewers.


With Toby Haynes at the helm, supported by Seth Grahame-Smith's writing, the new 'Star Trek' movie promises to be an exciting addition to the franchise. Paramount's decision to entrust the beloved series to new creative hands while maintaining ties with its cinematic roots speaks to the enduring appeal and versatility of the 'Star Trek' universe. As fans eagerly await more details, the anticipation builds for what could be a new era of interstellar adventure and exploration in one of the most enduring sci-fi franchises in entertainment history.