"Peacemaker" star John Cena has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records

John Sina has won another trophy with which he has the right to proudly adorn his belt. The wrestler turned successful actor has officially broken the Guinness Book of World Records for the number of wishes granted. The star of the TV series "Peacemaker" has become the most sought-after celebrity to be granted a wish, and no other popular personality has even come close to granting as many wishes as Sina has in the long history of the Make-A-Wish Foundation - 650.
When he was honored with 500 wishes in 2015, Sina talked about the foundation and how he loves doing what he does. "I just drop all my stuff. If I can offer a fantastic experience, I'll be first in line to contribute," the actor said.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation's mission statement is, "Together, we create wishes that will change the lives of children with serious illnesses. Wishes are more than just a nice thing. And they are much more than just gifts or one-off events. The very fact that their wish comes true can give them the courage to continue their treatment."
On why he continues to grant children's wishes, Sina said: "I want them to have an experience that will stay with them forever. I don't want children or their families to be treated in a way that makes them feel like they're in any danger at all."
John Sina's best movies and TV series
The Peacemaker (2022)
Marine (2006)
Bumblebee" (2018)
Fast and the Furious 9" (2021)
Suicide Squad 2: Mission Survivor" (2021)
Friends on Vacation" (2021)