Robert Downey Jr. named the most important films of his career

The Marvel star has been overlooked for "Iron Man"
"Iron Man," which launched Robert Downey Jr.'s career straight into the stratosphere in 2008, is second to 2020's family fantasy "The Amazing Journey of Dr Doolittle." According to the actor himself, the adventure comedy, which received poor reviews and scored 15 per cent "fresh" on Rotten Tomatoes, is one of the most important films he has starred in over the past two decades.

"I finished my contract with Marvel and then rushed into what promised to be another big, fun, well-executed potential franchise - The Amazing Journey of Dr Doolittle," Robert Downey Jr. said of the Stephen Gahan film in a recent interview. - I had some doubts. Myself and my team seemed to be overly excited about the deal and not fully concerned about the substance of the production. But at that point of time, I was bulletproof. I was the guru of all genre films."

He continued: "Honestly, the two most important films I've done in the last 25 years are Shaggy Daddy, because that was the film that made Disney promise to back me up. Then the second most important film was 'The Amazing Journey of Dr Doolittle' because it was a two-year wound of missed opportunities."

How does Robert Downey Jr. describe the experience he had in "The Amazing Journey of Dr Doolittle"?
Robert Downey Jr. not only starred in the film, but also served as its producer along with his wife Susan Downey. "The stress that the production caused my wife when she rolled her sleeves up to her armpits to make the film fit enough to bring to market was shocking." According to the actor, he then changed his priorities and went on to produce a documentary on Netflix called "Elder," about his relationship with his father, who suffers from Parkinson's disease.

Robert Downey Jr. can next be seen in the film Oppenheimer, which will be released in cinemas on 21 July 2023.