The Fantastic Four movie will not be an origin story

The Fantastic Four movie will not be an origin story
Photo by Dev / Unsplash

The full-length "Fantastic Four" movie, which tells the story of the first superhero team, will not be an origin story. This information was shared by the head of Marvel Studios Kevin Feigy.
A lot of viewers already know their biography. A lot of people know the basics. So we're thinking about how to bring something they've never seen before," he commented. Feigy also assured fans that the studio has "set the bar very high for itself, going to bring the events of the comic book this to the screen."
The decision to introduce the Fantastic Four, already an established team, echoes Feigy's vision for the development of the Spider-Man storyline. The new superhero films do not feature an incident with a spider bite in a genetic engineering lab and the death of Uncle Ben.
This stance is likely to be well-received by fans, who have already seen the Fantastic Four's origin story on screen twice in the last seventeen years. The first adaptation was released in 2005 and was quite successful at the box office. The second, presented to audiences ten years later, flopped, grossing only $167 million on a budget of $120 million.