The production status of Bad Boys 4 with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence has been clarified

The production status of Bad Boys 4 with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence has been clarified

Martin Lawrence, star of the popular "Bad Guys" action series, has clarified the future of the franchise after his colleague Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the March 2022 Academy Awards.
In an interview with Ebony, the actor denied that the slap put an end to plans for the franchise's next film, "Bad Boys 4," first announced in 2020. "At least we have another one," Lawrence said in particular.
Lawrence's comments echo those of Sony Chairman and CEO Tom Rothman, who recently said that talk that work on the sequel has been stalled is "inaccurate."
This movie was and still is in development. There were no brakes to be pumped because the machine wasn't moving," Rothman said. - What happened is very unfortunate, but I don't think I should comment on the situation except to say that I've known Will Smith for years, and I know he's a good man. This was an example of a very good man having a very bad moment in front of the world. I believe his apology and regret are sincere, and I believe in forgiveness and redemption.