Zoe Saldana Confirms Villainous Natives in "Avatar 4," Promises Fans Entirely New Characters

Zoe Saldana Confirms Villainous Natives in "Avatar 4," Promises Fans Entirely New Characters
Photo by Emile Guillemot / Unsplash

In a recent glimpse into the evolving world of Pandora, "Avatar" franchise star Zoe Saldana has shared some exciting updates about the upcoming fourth installment of James Cameron's epic film series. The actress has revealed that the next chapter will introduce audiences to a more complex narrative, featuring not all of Pandora’s natives as heroes.

During one of her latest interviews, Saldana was asked about her plans to return to Manhattan Beach, California, for shooting scenes for "Avatar 4." She confirmed, “Yes, we are planning to do this soon. Being on Pandora has been a very important milestone in my life, one that has truly changed it. I will never take it for granted.”

Responding to a question about whether the future sequels will include "evil people from the volcano region," Saldana replied affirmatively. “Oh, yes. Get ready. And there are many new characters coming. New actors too," she added.

This insight aligns with previous hints from James Cameron himself, suggesting that the situation on Pandora is not as clear-cut as it might seem, and that some of the planet's natives are quite willing to support the invading colonizers, who are there for Pandora’s resources.

When asked about the release date for "Avatar 4," it was noted that the schedule has undergone several changes. As of now, the film is expected to premiere in December 2029, following the release of "Avatar 3" in 2025. This ongoing saga continues to captivate audiences worldwide, promising new depths of storytelling in Cameron's visually stunning universe.